Blazing Paddles - Another Amazing Season!

Courtesy Posting
This is a courtesy posting only and does not constitute an endorsement by FCC-SoCal. This “SoCal Friends” activity is completely independent of FCC-SoCal. FCC-SoCal is not sponsoring, insuring or providing oversight for this program or event.
The 2009 Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival was held at Marine Stadium in Long Beach August 1-2. Dozens of teams competed, making it one of the largest festivals of its kind on the west coast. Among the competitors was our "SoCal Friends" Blazing Paddles team. The team finished with the other dragon boats, and one time even came in fourth place! More importantly however, team members succeeded in enjoying the spirit of the Festival: family, friends and community coming together to support one other all while having a good time.
Between races, families enjoyed shopping, eating good food, cheering the for the other teams and building sand castles. Additionally, team members watched the dotting of the eye of the dragon ceremony, Chinese acrobats, as well many other fantastic performers. Overall, it was a wonderful season, and Blazing Paddles team looks forward to returning next summer!
You can read more about the event here and see video here.