"SoCal Friends" Groups

What are “SoCal Friends” Groups?
SoCal Friends activity and support groups (formerly called “Friends of FCC”) are independently coordinated by FCC members for FCC families to further the mission of the organization, but they are not officially sponsored or insured by FCC-SoCal, nor does FCC-SoCal provide direct oversight of their activities.
As an insured nonprofit corporation, FCC-SoCal has distinct legal and risk management requirements and responsibilities. As such, its Board of Directors and other key leadership must exercise direct oversight over all sponsored activities to assure compliance and accountability. While of vital importance, those restrictions necessarily limit the number and types of activities FCC-SoCal may reasonably sponsor. Indeed, certain activities are expressly excluded by the insurance carriers.
The FCC Board created the “SoCal Friends” designation (originally “Friends of FCC”) to provide member families with greater flexibility and broader opportunities to socialize and support one another in a variety of locales and contexts, outside the sphere of sponsored activities. FCC-SoCal simply requires that all email groups and announcements for activities contain the “SoCal Friends” designation and the definition/disclaimer set forth above so that there is no confusion regarding FCC sponsorship, insurance or oversight.
FCC-SoCal’s program leadership is delighted to help facilitate the formation of these groups, to train and guide group coordinators and to serve as the liaison between the Friends groups and the FCC membership.
Groups and Resources
SoCal Friends with Special Needs/Learning Differences
To join go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/friendsfccsocaspecialneedsldkids/
(moderated by Lynn & Bill Woods)
SoCal Friends Single Moms and Moms-to-Be
- Contact: Martha Groves at [email protected].
SoCal Friends Dragon Boat “Blazing Paddles” Crew
- Contact: Marlene Gaines at [email protected].
Children/Youth Programs and Activities
SoCal Friends 7-Ups
- For info contact: Jodi Wilf at [email protected].
SoCal Friends Toddler Playgroup
- We are currently looking for someone to lead this playgroup.
SoCal Friends/Santa Clarita Playgroup
- For info contact: Linda Hoffman at [email protected].
SoCal Friends/Orange County Panda Kids
- For info contact: Ronda Roberts at [email protected].
SoCal Friends/Chinese the Fun Way
- For info contact: Arlene Balkin at [email protected].
Contact the parent coordinators above for more information about each group. Also check this website's calendar regularly for event listings.
It is the policy of FCC-SoCal that its name (FCC, FCC-SoCal or other designations) and logo be used only in connection with officially sponsored events, activities, publications, email group lists and so forth (for insurance, legal and other considerations). “SoCal Friends” groups are to be designated as such with the disclaimer, and Yahoo! or other email groups targeting FCC-SoCal members and others in our geographic region should not contain the lone FCC or FCC-SoCal designation without express permission from the FCC-SoCal Board.