Why Support FCC-SoCal?

Contribute to FCC-SoCal and Support Friendship, Culture and Community!
What can an organization of families provide that we, as individuals, cannot achieve on our own for our children?
Community & Connectedness: FCC-SoCal builds and sustains a nurturing, enriching and empowering community for children, youth and families. Children and youth benefit tremendously from growing up with adopted peers and being a part of a supportive “village” of friends and extended “family.” Parents and parents-to-be learn from one another and share the lifelong adoption journey through programs, services, resources and activities. The FCC-SoCal community is our safety net and the primary facilitator of China adoptive family connections in Southern California.
Advocacy, Education and Resources: FCC-SoCal serves as the lead advocate for China adoptive families in the region and collaborates with other FCC chapters on national matters. As an active participant in an international network of adoptive family groups, FCC-SoCal continues to be a significant clearinghouse and vital conduit of information relating to adoption, culture, race and community news for SoCal adoptive families.
Coalition-Building & Cultural Enrichment: FCC-SoCal also builds bridges between adoptive families and the local and national Asian Pacific American community, paving the pathway for our children and youth. Our coalition-building efforts have resulted in special programs, such as the FCC/China Care Bruins youth mentorship program, FCC/Organization of Chinese Americans national roundtables and local social events, FCC’s participation in the Chinatown New Year Parade (with the Chinese Historical Society of SoCal), Benefit Fashion Shows with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and more.
Charitable Giving: As a tax-exempt organization, FCC-SoCal is able to pool the resources of its families and fundraise to support orphanage assistance and other charitable programs.
Additional Member Family Benefits
- Membership Directory (provided only to adoptive and waiting families)
- Subscription to FCC publications (newsletters special editions) and members-only email network
- Priority invitations and discounted registration for cultural events, such as the Chinese New Year banquets and Heritage Festival
- Members-only entrée to special cultural exchanges and community collaborations, and special FCC programs (e.g., UCLA mentoring program, Full Moon Campout).
- Parent, child and youth peer groups; adoptive parenting education; special needs/learning differences support; mentoring and leadership training
Your Donations and Annual Membership Provide Operating Revenue!
Founded in 1995 (as FCC-Los Angeles), FCC-SoCal remains an all-volunteer organization that operates from the home offices, kitchen tables and garages of adoptive parents. FCC-SoCal does not have paid staff or leased office space. Our leadership and other volunteers donate 100 percent of their time and significant in-kind resources, but we depend on our members to donate the operating revenue.
Dues and donations go directly toward FCC programs, publications, services, outreach and charitable efforts. To keep our activities free for members or as affordable to as many FCC families as possible, dues often subsidize the venue, event and speaker fees, entertainment costs and refreshments. Dues also cover insurance premiums, annual government fees, and communication and postage expenses. Your dues and donations matter!
Through your ongoing donor and membership support -- and with a dedicated volunteer base -- FCC-SoCal will continue to flourish and advance, along with our ever-changing and maturing constituency of adoptive families. Your donations of time, funding and energy make the difference!