In lieu of a heritage day festival this year, FCC-SoCal’s Board of Directors has been applying its efforts to the selection of a worthy charitable initiative to carry FCC-SoCal through 2014. One of FCC-SoCal’s stated goals is “To promote the health and welfare of and to assist orphaned, abandoned and other children remaining in China’s social welfare institutions.” Unfortunately, due to a shortfall of volunteer resources, this goal in the last several years has not been met. It’s time to change that.
Please join us by giving your full support to FCC-SoCal’s 2014 charitable initiative – support for the nutritional needs of the Anhui Healing Home through Love Without Boundaries (LWB).
Love Without Boundaries is a non-profit organization providing help to orphaned and impoverished children in China through education, foster care, healing homes, medical, nutrition and orphanage assistance. And LWB's Anhui Healing Home (AHH) was the very first outreach home in China devoted to caring exclusively for vulnerable babies born with cleft needs.
Being born with cleft lip and/or palate is more than a cosmetic birth defect; for many children in orphanages, it can be life-threatening. The key to helping these children is to give them the one-on-one attention they need. LWB works together with social welfare institutions to offer these little ones the best possible chance at health and healing. In 2011 AHH expanded to begin helping children with other medical needs. Read here about the Anhui Healing Home. And take a moment to watch LWB’s Hope for Orphaned Children video.
From Amy Eldridge, CEO of Love Without Boundaries:
“For the year to date (Jan –Sep figures) we have spent just shy of $4,500 on formula and rice cereal. The children in AHH all take bottles of formula and from time to time there is a need for extra special (and costly) formula such as soya based, high calorie (PreNan) and recently a really expensive hypoallergenic formula (Neocate) for a baby who was allergic to all others. Only last week I balanced the nutrition budget for AHH and find we are at zero funds right now for the next consignment of Lactogen (Nestle good quality regular formula) due to be purchased before the end of the year. The children we take into the healing homes are often so very fragile, but it is so amazing to watch their progress when they get the TLC and medical care they need.”
To kick off this nutritional initiative for the Anhui Healing Home, FCC-SoCal will be showing its support through a donation of $2000. While this is a significant donation, collectively we can do more. We ask all FCC-SoCal members with the means to contribute generously to this worthy cause. Please add your donation to this initiative using the link provided by LWB below. Any amount is appreciated and all contributions are tax deductable. Payments can be made using PayPal or credit card.
Kindly make your donation by clicking here.
Together we can make a real difference in the lives of children in China who we hope one day will heal and go on to find their own loving families, just as our own adored children have found theirs.
We on the FCC-SoCal Board of Directors would like to extend a special thanks to our Charitable Initiatives Committee members (Kim Barrett, Amanda Byle, Judy Marasco, and D’Lee Mayberry) for the work they have done to move this program forward.
And the Board would also like to thank you, the FCC-SoCal membership, for your support of this initiative, and the support you give to the other programs offered throughout the year.
Thank you,
The Board of Directors, FCC-SoCal
(Albert Olson, Judy Marasco, Sandy Draper, Ben Luce, Karen Drew, & Ann Marie Rousseau)