
A message from Albert Olson:
Greetings FCC-SoCal Members,
I hope everyone is having a very productive and enjoyable spring season. It is amazing to consider that we are already 4 months into the new year, and three months past our delightful CNY Banquet, of which we have many fond memories.
Our FCC-SoCal Board of Directors held its Annual Meeting this past Sunday (April 30th), and I am pleased and happy to report to you that the future of our venerable organization is in very good hands. We elected to the Board four new Directors, and selected a new group of Officers to serve as our leadership team going forward. The new Officer team is:
- Co-Presidents: Kathleen Hauck & Valerie Allen
- Secretary: Karen Drew
- Treasurer: Arlene Balkin
As you all know, especially the many of you who attended our meeting last October where we discussed the future of FCC-SoCal, the organization is at a crucial juncture in its existence. The demographic of our membership is gradually shifting to older families and older adopted children, and there are many paths that the organization can possibly take to fulfill the needs and desires of the membership. I would like to thank Kathy, Valerie, Arlene, and Karen, for stepping up and volunteering to take on leadership responsibilities for FCC-SoCal at this time. I am looking forward to seeing the directions they will take FCC-SoCal over the next few years. The outgoing team of Directors is committed to assisting in this transition period, and it is my hope that many of you will also come forward to assist our new leadership team in molding the organization into the vessel you all would like it to become.
And finally, I would like to personally recognize the outgoing Board members for all that they have done for FCC-SoCal over the past many years. I am indebted to all of you for donating so much of your time and talents to keeping 'the lights on' at FCC-SoCal. Your dedication to improving the lives of our families and children, and the friendships among us that have evolved over the years, has truly made this a wonderful experience for me. I'd like to ask all of our membership to join me in thanking Ben Luce, Judy Marasco, Ann Marie Rousseau, Sandy Draper, and D'Lee Mayberry for their years of dedication and service to FCC-SoCal. You are all wonderful.
I look forward to seeing many of our FCC members at future events, and especially at next year's annual CNY Banquet.
Best Wishes,
Albert Olson - Outgoing President